The Centre for Life, Marriage and Family offers three accredited pre-marriage education programs.
(If you’d like to know more about why the Catholic Church requests couples do pre-marriage education click here.)
Together Forever
Offered over a full day on a Saturday. Together Forever explores evidence-based knowledge and skills for building healthy relationships. Oriented towards couples in their mid-twenties and early thirties, this course is an opportunity to focus on your relationship in a structured way and to gain a better appreciation of areas for growth.
This course is currently offered online via Zoom technology as well as an online self-paced component.
2024 Course Dates
For available course dates in 2024, and to book, see further below.
This course uses the FOCCUS Inventory to develop a comprehensive and realistic picture of the strengths and growth areas of your relationship in a more private setting. The program is an opportunity to share your ideas and expectations and learn new skills.
We particularly recommend this course if:
- You have been married before;
- You have been in a previous long-term, cohabiting relationship;
- There is a significant age-difference;
- You are marrying later in life;
- There are complexities to your relationship that would benefit from specific attention; or,
- You are seeking an individualised course specifically tailored to your unique strengths and areas for growth as a couple.
Please note: Scroll to the bottom of this page to make your booking. This course consists of TWO sessions of 2 hours each, typically one week apart. The times you choose when booking are an indication of your preference only. We will contact you to confirm your appointments.
FOCCUS Premium
While Together Forever and FOCCUS meet a couples requirements for pre-marriage education FOCCUS Premium is the comprehensive gold standard for relationship enrichment. The group course offers couples a broad range of relationship topics while the FOCCUS inventory and follow up sessions allow couples to explore their relationship in more depth. Combining both programs gives couples the best foundation for a fulfilling life long marriage.
Enrolment for this course is currently unavailable online. Please call CLMF on (08) 9278 0253 to enquire.
Please note that the enrolment form may take time to load.
An individual couples’ course
If for any reason you need to cancel your attendance, or transfer to another date, please email us at or leave a message on the number below. Please note: At least 5 days’ notice is required to transfer to another course; otherwise there may be an extra charge. Cancellation of your enrolment, at any time, will incur a $50 administration fee.